Saturday, October 15, 2011


Not sure if the food thing is an epic fail or just an opportunity I haven't fully committed to yet.  Ya, cooked one day, haven't really done much since.  Even finding somewhat healthy lunch food for Rowan has become a challenge and I'm resorting more and and more to having her buy the school lunch.  I'll get there, eventually.
The house is getting a little better organized at least and that's making it easier/faster to clean, you know, when I can muster up the motivation...sheesh!
We rescued two new pets last weekend and they are both a joy and a bother at the moment.  Gonzo, the new dog, is a love but seems to be scaring Megan, the old dog, into a self imposed exile.  Megan has always kept to herself most of the time, but now I rarely see her at all and I'm concerned that she may not be getting to the food and water dishes.  Hedwig/Snowball the kitten is taking all the pawing from the children really well, but my allergies to him are starting to kick in.  I'll have to ask my brother which medication he uses for his.  Evelyn dumped the kitten into the bathtub tonight and that has me thinking that I really no very little about cats or how to know when they get sick.  Guess we'll find out.
The writing is going okay on premises. I managed to finish one and run it by the creator of the show I work on. I still have to finish the rewrite and show it to the head writer, but my friend and I will be meeting with her next week, so the deadline will help make sure that gets done.  I think about the book alot, but haven't managed to get anything written. Turns out I have a huge bag full of written ideas, dreams I've had and shows I've either pitched or should pitch.  Gonna take me a little while to get all that filed into some sort of useful package.  In the meantime, my first idea is percolating in my head, though it is still without title or direction.

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