Saturday, February 11, 2012


Epic failure on the cooking front, but whatever!  I did get Rowan excited about making some homemade mac n' cheese by showing her a clip of a cooking show.  We tried it last night and she was a great helper.  Both girls loved it for the first 3 bites or so and then decided it was gross and fought to not eat any more.  Naturally their desire for candy left me the winner.  You don't eat a reasonable dinner, you don't get any candy, period!  I may have to keep using that tactic to get them to try new foods until we find some healthy ones they'll eat without manipulation.
I've been dealing with a lot since the last post.  Work issues, massive school issues, family issues and a minor nervous breakdown.  Ain't been fun, can't say I want to repeat it.  The results of all these dramas sofa include my decision to learn a different career path, namely animatic editing.  My good friend Anne has fiercely agreed this is a good transition for me and is acting as my mentor.  She's very determined that I be ready as quickly as possible to get me out of checking and off my current show posthaste.  Shya, all for it.  Bring it on.  I'm currently on a 5 week unpaid hiatus and am using it to do 5 practice animatics and get myself comfortable and up to speed on the editing program.  School issues have made me realize that the 10 year commitment I was making to them is bogus and the tiny bit of stability that gave my world gone.  I HAVE to work one more season in my current job to get my health benefits locked in for retirement.  After that I can literally go/do whatever I want.  There is no longer anything holding me tight to California (other than my awesome friends and this glorious sunshine).  Family issues, meh, they'll always be there.  I need to learn to ignore them.
Another glorious outcome of the nervous breakdown is the drive to write the damn book!  I've come to the conclusion that nothing is my life will ever get to a "norm" until I get at least one of the stupid books in my head onto paper.  So, weekdays I learn editing... weekends, I write!  You know, as long as the children will allow me to.. teehee.  I almost feel like doing a hiatus diary to show myself if I'm using my time  Day 1, mildly successful.  Got a lot of errands done, cleaned a bit (since destroyed by said children), edited and figured out some of the buttons on my own. Day 2, also mildly successful.  Went to the DMV, post office, picked up a prescription (that I still need to get filled) from the doctor, spun some yarn and hung out with the kids.  Day 3, again successful.  DMV again - got the car registered and have the new plates, edited a lot and asked Anne what I think are good Newbie questions.  Day 4, slightly less productive, but still successful.  Took a nap and had a 3 hour park playdate with Rowan's classmates, then went to the market and bought ingredients for mac n' cheese.  Day 5, success but I really need to be more productive.  Cleaned, cleaned and cleaned (though you really can't tell), made home-made mac n' cheese with rowan and hung out with the girls til they fell asleep.
Today is Day 6 and if I manage to get the damn book started AND do something fun with the girls (looks like it may be a little too chilly for the water balloon fight I promised in the backyard) I shall call it successful.  I'd like to keep cleaning and get at least 1 room finished today, but the book is first.
So, here's to writing.... and eventually learning how to post pics on this blog thing so I can share something more interesting than my cleaning and cooking failures. :)

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